Explained: What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

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In OCD, a person starts having unwanted thoughts and fears. Along with that, if you find yourself repeatedly compelled to think about the same thing, you might be dealing with OCD.

This disorder is also known as "Junooni-Badhyaakari Vikar." When someone has OCD, they may not even realize if the thoughts in their mind are correct or not.

During this time, trying to ignore or stop these thoughts only increases stress and anxiety. In response, a person may feel compelled to perform the same task repeatedly.

The symptoms of OCD can vary from person to person, but here are some common ones:

Symptoms of OCD

Fear of germs, excessive cleaning, Desire for perfection, Worry about harm, repetitive thoughts, Fixation on sounds,  Seeking reassurance, fearing wrongdoing, and ETC.

Obsessive Thoughts

Repeatedly washing hands, Arranging items in a specific way, Repeatedly checking lights, Collecting and hoarding unnecessary items, and ETC.

Compulsive Behaviors

The exact causes of OCD are not fully understood, but several factors may contribute:

Cause of OCD

Changes in brain chemistry or functioning could play a role in OCD.

1. Biological Factors

There might be a genetic predisposition to OCD, although specific genes have not been identified.

2. Genetics

Stressful or traumatic life events could trigger the onset of OCD in some individuals.

3. Environmental Factors

OCD can co-occur with other mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, or tic disorders.

4. Mental Health

Several risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing OCD:

Risk Factors for OCD

If close family members have OCD, you may be at a higher risk.

Family History

Experiencing traumatic or highly stressful events can trigger OCD.

Stressful Life Events

Having other mental health issues like anxiety or depression can increase the risk of OCD.

Other Mental Health Conditions

It's important to note that OCD is a treatable condition, and many people with OCD can find relief through therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

If you or someone you know has OCD symptoms, it's important to get help from a mental health expert like Dr. Sanjay Jain for the best treatment.

Seeking Help

Dr. Sanjay Jain

You can learn more about OCD and treatment options by visiting our website and also you can get advices to get rid of OCD.

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