Decoding OCD: What are The Real Symptoms of OCD

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Navigate through the common symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, a mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors.

Individuals with OCD experience persistent, intrusive thoughts, or obsessions that are distressing and difficult to manage.

Recurrent Thoughts

Compulsions, or ritualistic behaviors, are performed in an attempt to alleviate the anxiety caused by obsessive thoughts.

Ritualistic Behaviors

An intense focus on cleanliness and fear of contamination can lead to excessive washing and cleaning rituals.

Excessive Cleanliness

A strong need for symmetry and orderliness, leading to distress if objects are misaligned or disordered.

Need for Symmetry

Difficulty discarding items, regardless of their value, leading to clutter and hoarding behaviors.


The compulsion to repeatedly check things, like if the door is locked or the stove is off, to alleviate anxiety.

Repeated Checking

Engaging in counting rituals or needing to perform actions a certain number of times to feel ‘right’ or to prevent feared events.

Counting Rituals

Persistent fears about harm coming to oneself or loved ones, leading to compulsive actions to counteract the fear.

Fear of Harm

Recognizing these symptoms is the first step towards seeking help. Treatment and support are available to manage and alleviate OCD symptoms.

Seeking Help

The key is to take the first step by seeking help from a mental health professional.

Dr. Sanjay Jain

You can get more information about OCD and treatment options by visiting our website and also you can get advices to get rid of OCD.

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